Jurnal Kebidanan Sorong only contains research articles in the scope of Midwifery. The Midwifery Journal does not accept literature review manuscripts, systematic reviews, or meta-analyses. Articles sent to the editor have never been published or are not being submitted for publication in other publication media, as evidenced by the author's statement which can be downloaded here. Download the author's statement and include it at the time of online submission.

Submitting articles to the Midwifery Journal can only be done via an online system (online submission), with the following steps:

  1. Manuscripts are sent via the Online Submission System on the Midwifery Journal electronic portal
  2. Authors must register on the Register page (here). Select (tick) the role as "Author" to be able to submit manuscripts online.
  3. After the registration process is complete, log in as "author" using the username and password during registration.
  4. Start submitting an article by clicking "New Submission". Article submission consists of 5 stages: (1). Start, (2). Upload Submission, (3). Enter Metadata, (4). Upload Supplementary Files, (5). Confirmation.
  5. In the "Start" column, select "Journal Section (Article)". Check all the options in the “Submission Checklist” and “Copyright Notice”. Click "Save and continue".
  6. In the "Upload Submission" column, upload the manuscript in MSWord format. Click "Save and continue".
  7. In the "Enter Metadata" column, fill in the "Author" column (author and affiliate data, if there is more than one author, please enter all authors by clicking Add Author, the manuscript will not be processed if the author is not entered completely as stated in the manuscript) and " Title and Abstract” (Article Title and Abstract). Fill in the References column according to the list of references listed in the manuscript. Click "Save and continue".
  8. In the "Upload Supplementary Files" column, the author is required to upload the author's statement file and can upload other supporting files such as evidence of ethical clearance, research questionnaires, data sets, or other materials that support the writing of the article. Click "Save and continue".
  9. In the "Confirmation" column, if all the data entered is correct, click "Finish Submission" and the author will receive a Submission Acknowledgment (proof of submission) to the e-mail registered when registering
  10. If the author encounters problems in the process of submitting the manuscript via the online system, please contact the editorial team (Rizqi Kamalah) at the email address

 The article will be sent to reviewers and bestari partners for a double blind review.


 Articles are typed using Microsoft Word with Times New Roman font size 10, spacing 1.5 and paper margins: left, right, top and bottom each 2.5 cm on A4 size paper, and given the page number in the bottom right corner. Please download the article writing template here journal template.

Articles are written in Indonesian or English and are divided into: (yang ditampilkan yang bahasa inggrisnya saja, yang bahasa indonesianya dihapus)

 Title page

 The title page contains the title, name and institution of the author as well as the name and address of the corresponding author.

 The title is written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. Try to keep the title no more than 12 words in Indonesian and no more than 10 words in English. To create a concise title, the following words should be avoided: “Study…”, “Analysis…..”, “Relationship…”.

 Writing the title of the manuscript uses sentence case (capital letters are only used at the beginning of the title/first letter while the rest is used in lower case), except for proper names. The title does not use abbreviations or acronyms except standard ones. The place and time of the research is not need to be included in the title unless the research is typical of that time and place.

Authors are asked to create a running title of a maximum of 50 characters including spaces and punctuation.

 The author's name is written without any title, accompanied by the e-mail address of each author. If the author comes from more than one institution, provide a number (superscript) after each author's name.

One of the authors is determined to be the corresponding author. Information for correspondence authors is complete with complete correspondence address, telephone/cellphone number, and e-mail address.


 Abstracts are written in two languages, namely English and Indonesian. The abstract must be informative and describe the entire content of the manuscript from introduction to conclusion. The abstract is written in narrative form in one paragraph. A structured abstract consists of a maximum of 250 words with a subtitle:

 Background: Show several sentences explaining the scope or context of the research, supporting previous research, and justifying the novelty of the topic being researched.

 Objective: State the specific purpose of the research and/or hypothesis being tested.

 Methods: Explain the research design used, including the use of cell cultures, animal models and human subjects. Authors were also asked to describe the intervention carried out and the research control group (if any) as well as specific methods/procedures.

 Results: Write down the most important results or research findings, including the results of statistical analysis.

 Conclusions: A 1-2 sentence summary showing the primary results (outcome) of the study, including potential clinical significance where relevant (avoid expressing conclusions that are too general).

 Key Words: Consists of 3–8 words. At the bottom of the abstract, include 3 - 8 keywords or phrases that can help readers identify relevant manuscripts. Keywords can be groups of research subjects. Avoid using adjectives as keywords.


 The introduction must state NOVELTY (novelty, originality, depth of the paper) by mentioning the unique differences of this research compared to previous similar studies.

The introduction should also contain a GAP ANALYSIS which will be fulfilled if the author can justify the importance of the research being conducted and most previous research has not focused on the research that the author will research.

The introduction briefly describes the magnitude of the problem being studied and the justification for why the research needs to be carried out. The introduction must also be supported by relevant and strong literature and include clear research objectives. Avoid explaining research methods, data, results or conclusions in this section. The length of the introduction does not exceed 1 page.

Materials and Methods

 It must be complete and detailed so that others can repeat the research exactly as it is reported. This section should be written narratively and divided into three subsections containing the following information:

 Design and subject

  • Research design
  • Time and place of research
  • Research population and sample
  • Estimated sample size
  • Sampling method
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria
  • Research ethical feasibility by including the EC number

 Data collection and measurement

  • Variables studied (definitions and classification/criteria if any)
  • Tools and materials used
  • Detailed information about how this research was carried out, including measurements and interventions, for example: how weight and height were measured to determine nutritional status, how many times they were measured, who measured them, when they were measured, etc.)
  • Research flow or procedures / types of treatment (especially for experimental research)

Data analysis

Statistical analysis used

The computer program used


Write down the research results in a logical sequence, according to the research flow. In general, the results begin with the characteristics of the research subjects. Research results are presented in the form of narratives (textual), tables or images (graphs/diagrams). Also write down information about loss to follow-up or drop-out subjects (if any). Avoid presenting research subject data as individuals except in extreme cases. Avoid writing the identity of the research subject.

Tables and figures are presented informatively with a maximum of 3-5 tables or figures per manuscript. Each table/figure must be stated in the manuscript (text). Tables and figures must be self-explanatory; numbers and units must be clearly depicted in the table/figure so that they do not depend on the text. Table and figure titles are written in bold. No duplication of information is permitted, if the information is clearer and concise with narration then tables or pictures are not needed. Table or figure references are mentioned in the manuscript (text) in the order of appearance according to the numbering sequence of the table or figure. Tables/figures containing data from other references, for example secondary data, must clearly state the source.


The table title is placed above the table. Table numbering is done sequentially using Arabic numerals (1,2,3, etc.). Each column in the table is named according to the variable displayed (perhaps in standard abbreviated form). Information explaining abbreviations, codes or symbols is written as a footnote at the bottom of the table. Footnotes should be written using superscript Arabic numeral format.


The image title is placed below the image. Graphics or images must be made in black-and-white format. Images or photos that must be printed in color will be charged to the author in lieu of color printing costs.

The reference for each image or graph is mentioned in the manuscript (text) in the order of appearance according to the image numbering sequence. Images or graphs must be self-explanatory; numbers and units must be clearly depicted on the image or graph so that they do not depend on the text. Abbreviations, numbers, symbols, arrows used in images or image captions must be defined below the image in alphabetical order. The minimum image resolution is not specified, but it must be clearly visible when printed.


The discussion begins with the main findings in the research and then discusses the meaning of the research findings, by comparing the research results with previous knowledge or research results and connecting the findings with aspects of clinical, social and scientific practice. It is not permitted to repeat information that has been presented in the results. It is best to avoid using textbooks, methodology manuals, classic books, and newspaper reports as reference materials for comparison in the discussion. Use standard terms and good and correct language. The discussion must have clear concepts and logical sequence between paragraphs. Every abbreviation that appears for the first time must be stated first.

The discussion should contain 3 key points:

  1. How? Write down the essence of the results (finding), what the findings are, the highlights are written in RESULTS
  2. Why? Strong from a scientific perspective, in the discussion section there is a connection between the results obtained and the basic concepts and/or hypotheses or the relationship between performance results and analysis results.
  3. What else? Comparing research results with previous research results, is there any conformity or conflict with other people's research results? What caused it?

 Conclusions and suggestions

Conclusions are made narratively in 1 (one) paragraph or more, based on research results and do not include statistical figures. The suggestions given must be in accordance with the conclusions drawn. Provide suggestions for further research if any.

Thank-you note

Acknowledgments are expressed appropriately and are only addressed to research funders and/or those who have made significant contributions but do not yet meet the requirements to be included as authors.

Conflict of interest statement

Authors must declare conflicts of interest.


References are written using a number system arranged in accordance with the order in which the references appear in the manuscript (Vancouver style) and references in the manuscript are written using Arabic numerals in brackets (1), not superscript.

When writing references, it is recommended to use reference management software such as Mendeley, Zotero, or End Note (to reduce writing errors). However, if you do not use this software, please write references according to the instructions such as the reference writing example below.

Writing references originating from journals must be abbreviated according to the official abbreviations according to Index Medicus and Index of Indonesian Learned Periodicals (PDIN 1974) for that journal. Periodic name abbreviations and abbreviation lists can be accessed at:

Writing references in the Midwifery Journal refers to The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) which can be accessed at

Guidelines for writing references from scientific journal articles can be accessed at

Authors are expected to refer to at least one relevant article that has been published in the Midwifery Journal. As far as possible, the percentage of referrals meets the following requirements:

  • More than 30% of the literature is the result of research or articles in journals
  • More than 80% of the literature is primary literature (articles published by credible/reputable journals, proceedings and dissertations)
  • More than 80% of the literature is published in the last 10 years

Journal articles with more than 6 authors, please write the names of the first 5 authors plus the last author before using "et al.". Write the names of all authors for articles with 6 authors or less.

Click on the reference writing instructions

Please do not use the publication abstract as a reference. If references from the abstract cannot be avoided, write "(abstr)" at the end of the reference. Abstracts originating from scientific conferences but not published in peer-reviewed journals cannot be used as references. Informal observations and personal communications (in writing, not verbal) cannot be used as official references but can be written in brackets along with the name of the researcher responsible and the year of observation or communication. For personal communications, the author is responsible for obtaining written permission from all (personal) sources referred to and showing a copy of the source's statement of availability to the editor if necessary.