Current Issue


Jurnal Kebidanan Sorong (eISSN : 2807-7059) published by Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Sorong. Jurnal Kebidanan Sorong Publication schedule: August and February periods. Jurnal Kebidanan Sorong Vol 4 No 1 Period August 2024.


We would like to thank all parties who have contributed and supported the publication of the Jurnal Kebidanan Sorong

Published: 2024-08-31
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Jurnal Kebidanan Sorong (JKS)

Jurnal Kebidanan Sorong (JKS)

Jurnal Kebidanan Sorong (JKS) is a scientific publication journal published by the Midwifery Department of Poltekkes Kemenkes Sorong. Jurnal Kebidanan Sorong (JKS) accepts only original research articles relevant to the field of midwifery science and health sciences. Regular scientific focus and coverage covering the health of women and children, such as;

  1. Childbirth
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Newborns
  4. Adolescence
  5. Family planning
  6. Climacterium
  7. Community midwifery
  8. Education in midwifery
  9. Complementary therapy in midwifery.

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